Name | Antoine Lemor |
Position | Postdoctoral researcher in Political Science and Lecturer | | |
Location | Montréal, QC, Canada |
Languages | French, English |
Summary | Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in political science specializing in public policy, public administration, and the use of science in policy using mixt and computational methods. |
Research Centers | Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie (CIRST) ; Centre d'analyse des politiques publiques (CAPP) ; Centre de recherche sur les politiques et le développement social (CPDS) |
Academic Appointments
Since 2024 Postdoctoral Fellow
Université de Sherbrooke, Canada; Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie (CIRST) (Center for Research on Science and Technology); Réseau francophone international en conseil scientifique (RFICS) (International Francophone Network for Scientific Advice); Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) (National Institute of Public Health of Quebec) -
Since 2024 Postdoctoral Fellow – ENDURE Project
HEC Montréal
Since 2019 Ph.D, Political Science
Université de Montréal, Canada -
2017 - 2019 M.A., Political Science
Université de Bordeaux, France -
2014 - 2017 B.A., History
University of Warwick & Université Blaise Pascale
Research, Methods and Teaching Interests
Research and Teaching Interests
- Science, technology and policy
- Expert networks, institutionalization of scientific advice and policy advisory systems;
- Uncertainty, emotions, evidence and policy; science-policy interface; bureaucratic autonomy
- Computational methods for policy
Skills and Methods
- Textual data mining and Natural language processing (NLP) (using Python)
- Statistical modeling and data analysis (using R)
- Qualitative methods, semi-structured interviews, process tracing, network analysis, NVivo
Teaching Experience
2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Instructor
Université de Montréal, Canada - POL1901 'Dynamics of political life' — Fall 2021, 22, 23, 24
2019-2022 Teaching Assistant
Université de Montréal, Canada - POL1330 'Public policy and administration'
- POL3321 'Comparative Public Administration'
- POL2102 'Contemporary Political Thought'
Professional Experience
2021 - 2022 Internship in knowledge transfer evaluation in public health
National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ) - Internship in knowledge transfer evaluation supervised by Marc Lemire
Scholarships and Honors
2025 - 2027 Bourse postdoctorale (B3Z) (Postdoctoral Fellowship)
2024 - 2025 Bourse postdoctorale conjointe — RFICS & CIRST (Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship — RFICS & CIRST)
2024 Three Minutes Thesis Competition, Second Place
- Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) (12-14 June 2024)
2022 - 2024 Bourse de doctorat en recherche (B2Z) (Doctoral Research Scholarship)
2021 - 2022 Bourse pour stage en milieu de pratique (BSMP) (Practice-Based Internship Fellowship)
2021 Bourse d'études supérieures (Graduate Studies Scholarship)
2021 Three Minutes Thesis Competition, Second Place
Organization of Panels
2025 - (upcoming) “Advanced Computational Methods for Public Policy: NLP, ML, and LLMs” Chair of the panel, co-chaired with Louis-Robert Beaulieu-Guay, at the 6th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP6) of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA), Chiang Mai, 2–4 July. Panel details
- (upcoming) “Science et politiques publiques : enjeux, défis et perspectives des politiques publiques informées par la science” (Science and Public Policy: Challenges and Perspectives of Science-Informed Public Policies) Co-chair of the panel with Alizée Pillod, at the annual conference of the Société québécoise de science politique (SQSP), Montreal, 21–23 May. Panel details
2024 - “Colloque des grands enjeux politiques du XXIe siècle” (Conference on Major Political Issues of the 21st Century) Co-organized with the Association of Graduate Students in Political Science at Université de Montréal (AECSSPUM), 13–15 May.
2023 - “Science et prise de décision politique dans la gestion de la pandémie” (Science and Political Decision-Making in Pandemic Management) Co-organized with Jacques Bélair and Éric Montpetit. Panel organized as part of the 90th Congress of the Association francophone pour le savoir (Congress of the Francophone Association for Knowledge [ACFAS]), Montreal, 12 May. Panel details
Conference Presentations
2025 - Lemor, Antoine and Philippe Bourbeau. 2025. “Building Lasting Trust. Analyzing the Resilience of Science-to-Policy Institutions in Quebec and Sweden During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, ENDURE Brazil Workshop, São Paulo, March 12, 2025.
- (upcoming) Lemor, Antoine, Alexandre Fortier-Chouinard, Gabriel Saso-Baudaux, Francis Lareau, François Claveau, Adrien Cloutier. “Quand la science fait-elle autorité ? Mesurer la crédibilité scientifique des organisations de santé publique dans les médias canadiens (When Does Science Have Authority? Assessing the Scientific Credibility of Public Health Organizations in Canadian Media)”, 92th Congress of the Francophone Association for Knowledge (ACFAS), Montreal, May 7, 2025.
- (upcoming) Pillod, Alizée, Antoine Lemor and Matthew Taylor. “Régions, Médias et Changements Climatiques : Comment les Contextes Provinciaux et Linguistiques Orientent les Stratégies de Cadrage” (Regions, Media, and Climate Change: How Provincial and Linguistic Contexts Shape Framing Strategies). Communication proposed for the annual conference of the Société québécoise de science politique (SQSP), Montreal, 21–23 May
- (upcoming) Lemor, Antoine. “L’interface science-politique à l’ère des problèmes complexes : une analyse de l’influence des agences scientifiques sur les politiques publiques au Canada” (The Science-Policy Interface in the Era of Complex Issues: An Analysis of the Influence of Scientific Agencies on Public Policies in Canada). Canadian Political Science Association Congress (CPSA), 2025.
- (upcoming) Lemor, Antoine, and Tristan Boursier. “Une science extrême : usage stratégique du discours scientifique par l’extrême droite en ligne” (Extreme Science: The Strategic Use of Scientific Discourse by the Online Far Right). Canadian Political Science Association Congress (CPSA), 2025.
- (upcoming) Boursier, Tristan, and Antoine Lemor. “Unifier, influencer et monétiser la haine : les fonctions stratégiques de l’antiféminisme en ligne au sein de l’extrême droite” (Unify, Influence, and Monetize Hate: The Strategic Functions of Online Antifeminism within the Far Right). Canadian Political Science Association Congress (CPSA), 2025.
- (upcoming) Lemor, Antoine. “Credible Science, Influential Science? A Computational Study on the Influence and Credibility of Public Scientific Research Agencies in Public Health in Canada”. Communication proposed for the 7th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP7) of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA), 2–4 July.
- (upcoming) Louis-Robert Beaulieu-Guay and Antoine Lemor. “Credible Science, Influential Science? A Computational Study on the Influence and Credibility of Public Scientific Research Agencies in Public Health in Canada”. Communication proposed for the 7th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP7) of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA), 2–4 July.
- (upcoming) Lemor Antoine, Alizée Pillod and Matthew Taylor. “When Climate Scientists Speak, Do Policymakers Respond? A Computational Study”. Communication proposed for the conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Vancouver, 11-14 September.
- (upcoming) Pillod, Alizée, Antoine Lemor and Matthew Taylor. “Tracing the Frames: Canadian Media Coverage of Climate Change, 1988-2023”. Communication proposed for the conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Vancouver, 11-14 September.
2024 - Lemor, Antoine and Éric Montpetit. 2024. “Beyond Evidence: How Framing Shapes Public Health Policies During Health Crises.” French Political Science Association Congress (AFSP), Grenoble, July 4, 2024.
- Lemor, Antoine and Éric Montpetit. 2024. “Beyond Evidence: How Framing Shapes Public Health Policies During Health Crises.” Canadian Political Science Association Congress (CPSA), Montreal, June 12, 2024.
- Pillod, Alizée, Lemor, Antoine, and Matthew Taylor. 2024. “The Construction of Climate Change in National Print Media” (La construction du changement climatique dans les médias imprimés nationaux). Canadian Political Science Association Congress (CPSA), Montreal, June 12, 2024.
- Lemor, Antoine and Éric Montpetit. 2024. “Beyond Evidence: How Framing Shapes Public Health Policies During Health Crises.” Conference on Policy Process Research (COPPR), Syracuse, May 15, 2024.
- Lemor, Antoine and Éric Montpetit. 2024. “Beyond Evidence: How Framing Shapes Public Health Policies During Health Crises.” International Political Science Association (IPSA) Conference, Syracuse, April 26, 2024.
- Lemor, Antoine and Éric Montpetit. 2024. “Science ou émotions ? Le rôle de l’incertitude et des émotions dans les politiques pendant la pandémie de COVID-19” (Science or Emotions? The Role of Uncertainty and Emotions in Policies During the COVID-19 Pandemic). Research Day of the Centre for Policy and Social Development (CPDS), Montreal, March 22, 2024.
2023 - Lemor, Antoine. 2023. “Science ou émotions ? Le rôle de l’incertitude et des émotions dans les politiques pendant la pandémie de COVID-19” (Science or Emotions? The Role of Uncertainty and Emotions in Policies During the COVID-19 Pandemic). 23rd Colloquium of the Centre for Research on Science and Technology (CIRST), Montreal, December 14, 2023.
- Lemor, Antoine, Éric Montpetit, Shoghig Téhinian, Clarisse Van Belleghem, Steven Eichenberger, PerOla Öberg, Frédéric Varone, David Aubin, and Jean-Louis Denis. 2023. “A Network Analysis of Scientific Advice for COVID-19: Belgium, Quebec, Sweden, and Switzerland.” 6th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP6), Toronto, June 27, 2023.
- Lemor, Antoine, Éric Montpetit, Shoghig Téhinian, Clarisse Van Belleghem, Steven Eichenberger, PerOla Öberg, Frédéric Varone, David Aubin, and Jean-Louis Denis. 2023. “L’organisation des réseaux d’expertise au Québec, en Suisse, en Belgique et en Suède” (The Organization of Expert Networks in Quebec, Switzerland, Belgium, and Sweden). 90th Congress of the Francophone Association for Knowledge (ACFAS), Montreal, May 12, 2023.
- Lemor, Antoine. 2023. “Autonomie bureaucratique et autonomie de la recherche dans une organisation de recherche publique” (Bureaucratic Autonomy and Research Autonomy in a Public Research Organization). Conference of the Centre for Policy and Social Development and the Centre for Administrative, Political, and Social Research (CPDS and CERAPS), Lille, February 26, 2023.
2022 - Lemor, Antoine, M. Alejandra Costa, Louis-Robert Beaulieu-Guay, and Éric Montpetit. 2022. “La science contre le temps. La diminution de l’influence des experts pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 au Québec” (Science Against Time: The Decline of Experts’ Influence During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Quebec). 89th Congress of the Francophone Association for Knowledge (ACFAS), Montreal, May 11, 2022.
- Lemor, Antoine, M. Alejandra Costa, Louis-Robert Beaulieu-Guay, and Éric Montpetit. 2022. “La science contre le temps. Diminution de l’influence des experts pendant la pandémie de COVID-19” (Science Against Time: The Decline of Experts’ Influence During the COVID-19 Pandemic). Canadian Political Science Association Congress (CPSA), May 27, 2022.
- Lemor, Antoine, M. Alejandra Costa, Louis-Robert Beaulieu-Guay, and Éric Montpetit. 2022. “Evidence Against Time: Experts’ Influence Erosion During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” 3rd International Workshop on Public Policy (IWPP3), Budapest, June 28, 2022.
Departmental and University Service
2020-2024 - Treasurer (reelected in 2021, 2022, 2023), Association of Graduate Students in Political Science, Université de Montréal (AECSSPUM)
2022-2023 - Graduate Student Representative, International Affairs Planning and Orientation Committee (COPAI), Université de Montréal